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Spectrum - Online Payroll Time Entry Training for Administrative Personnel

Sample Course Content:

An introduction to the PTE Timekeeping Software for Spectrum Construction Accounting

Original Price: $125
New Price for 2023: $85

All self-guided courses include unlimited 60 Day Access for one user so you have the flexibility to access the materials at your convenience and on your own pace. You can also replay courses as needed, and interact on our discussion boards with questions about the course content.

This online training course is designed for the Payroll Time Entry (PTE) module of Spectrum Construction Accounting Software.

Class Location:

Web-Based Training

Class Price:


What Our Students Say

"Instructor very knowledgeable and helpful. Good personality for this type of work."

Kenzy W.

"Thank you for hiring instructors with intelligence, personal interaction skills, mastery of P6 and business analysis, patience, articulation, and dedication - like Matt! Matt cares, and he's excellent!"

Sue C.