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Spectrum - Accounts Receivable for Contract and Change Management

This course provides learners with an overview of topics such as Contract Creation and Change Management in Spectrum, as well as supporting documentation for the course.

Original Price: $300
New Price for 2023: $125

All self-guided courses include unlimited 60 Day Access for one user so you have the flexibility to access the materials at your convenience and on your own pace. You can also replay courses as needed, and interact on our discussion boards with questions about the course content.

Class Location:

Web-Based Training

Class Price:


What Our Students Say

"Matthew is a great instructor and he is easy to follow! He does well in taking note of his audience and moves with the pace of the expertise in the room. Software classes are rarely enjoyable, yet his passion on the topic and willingness to help was displayed each day. He also stayed true to the time allotted and that was greatly appreciated."

Tracy A.

"Instructor very knowledgeable and helpful. Good personality for this type of work."

Kenzy W.