Overcoming 3 Major Construction Innovation Barriers

Article written by Andrew Golden on the Viewpoint blog.
Nonresidential Construction Adds 16,200 Jobs in July

According to data released today by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Top Three Trends That Will Continue to Impact Construction Through 2024

Article written by David DeSilva and Chris O'Hala on constructionexec.com.
Study proves viability of urban electric construction – with big benefits for society
ENR Releases 2023 Economic Forecast

ENR has released their 2023 market forecast:
2023 Economic Forecast: Markets Are Mixed for Year Ahead
Inflation, rising interest rates and a possible global recession continue to top the list of forecasters’ concerns for the coming year.
ABC: Construction Industry Faces Workforce Shortage of 650,000 in 2022
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23—The construction industry will need to attract nearly 650,000 additional workers on top of the normal pace of hiring in 2022 to meet the demand for labor, according to a model developed by Associated Builders and Contractors.
Some Good News: Construction Layoffs Largely Minimal
Top 7 Take-aways from the 2019 Construction Technology Report
JBKnowledge recently released the 8th Annual Construction Technology Report. From the amount allocated to IT investment and training satisfaction, to the continued prevalence of spreadsheets (even when there is dedicated software) and the factors that limit technology adoption, here are our top take-aways from the report.
First, a brief overview of respondent demographics:
Top 10 Strategic CIO Priorities For 2020
Article written by Rob Preston and appears on Forbes.com
Speed. Security. Agility. Innovation. Automation. Insight. These are the words leading CIOs keep coming back to when explaining their technology, business, and organizational priorities.
The Construction Industry: Poised for Constructible Change
Article written by Chris Moor on ConstructionExec.com
The construction industry is ripe for improvement and brimming with potential. It’s also expected to be a 10 trillion-dollar industry by 2020. Today, construction constitutes 13% of the global gross domestic product, yet it’s well documented that productivity growth remains dramatically low. In reality, construction is emerging from old ways of thinking and challenges that span people, processes and technology.